JJ-LAPP Solidifies Its Standing in Indonesia

The business unit’s success in the country has been bolsteredby a series of high-profile project wins

As an emerging economic powerhouse in ASEAN, Indonesia holds strategic significance for Jebsen & Jessen Group. JJ-LAPP, our Cable Technology business, has produced stellar results there despite the economic challenges caused by COVID-19. Our team recently won three major contracts in Indonesia, further advancing our market position in the country.

Fertilising the Future

A significant win for us in Indonesia came from PT ​ Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) TBK, one of the main players under the auspices of the government in national construction. Located in North Aceh, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, a subsidiary of Pupuk Indonesia Group, turned to us to outfit its new factory with Ethernet, instrument cables, fibre optics, UTP and STP cables as well as data cables. This was part of an expansion project that will increase the customer’s current fertilisation production capacity to 500,000 tons per year.

Many factors contributed to this win, including our commitment to service excellence, the quality and durability of our products, as well as our well-known technology leadership. The successful completion of this project is expected to help pave the way for us to support PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda’s next fertiliser plant project, which is planned for this year.

A Sweet Victory

Another significant win was awarded to us by PT Sunrise Mill, a new subsidiary of PT Sunrise Steel. The latter is a lightweight steel manufacturer located in Mojokerto, East Java.

PT Sunrise Mill has a planned capacity of 200,000 tons per year to meet the needs of the armoured steel industry. For this, it turned to us for close to 65km of high quality and high protection cables and accessories.

Commitment at its Finest

The third notable win came from Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo, a starch and sweetener manufacturer in Indonesia and a member of the Cargill Group in USA.

This was a particularly memorable win because the tender process took three long years.

In this time, our team stayed in close contact with the customer to work through their needs in the face of stiff competition from other well-known suppliers.

The customer needed power cables with the specific requirement of Category C flame retardant, which we manufacture at our local facility in Tangerang. We focused on proving the quality of our products, using proof of data and certifications to assure the customer that our cables are locally manufactured to global standards.

With these wins and more, JJ-LAPP continues to solidify its standing as the leading cable supplier in its class in Indonesia.

The Mackerel Vol. 1 (Jan 2021).pdf

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About Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group

Jacob Jebsen and Heinrich Jessen established our roots in Asia at the end of the 19th Century. Their company Jebsen & Co began life in 1895 in Hong Kong. Having established a trading interest in Singapore and Malaysia, Jebsen & Jessen Group was formally incorporated in 1963 and now has a presence in eight of the ten ASEAN countries. 

For over 40 years, we have helped build industries in Indonesia. At Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia, we deliver global brands and locally manufactured solutions in Cable Technology, Ingredients, Life Sciences, Material Handling and Technology to help businesses grow and thrive.

For more information, visit our website at jjsea.com/id
